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Frances on Fire - Purple
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Ronald SutherlandFly Tier, Helmsdale
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Another super little Hauger tied on a tiny silver treble, low water brings this fly into its own wherever it is fished for salmon or sea-trout.
Another effective Madeline micro pattern tied on a tiny silver VMC treble for extra hooking power.
This is a super version of the popular Munro killer. Tied on a fashionable gold treble this fly looks and fishes great in the summer everywhere.
Treble version of this recent innovation, a super fly in spate water with the deadly boar bristle kick in the tail.
Treble hook design of this beautiful fly, the boar tail and burst of vivid colour make this fly a firm favourite for Atlantic salmon.
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Super tiny Summer fly tied on a razor sharp VMC treble for extra hooking power. Fish this fly with confidence in low water anywhere for salmon.
This fly needs no introduction, a star performer and no box should be without one.The Cascade is fast becoming one of the all time greats around the world for atlantic salmon, this pattern is tied on a super sharp silver treble.
Micro flies tied on trebles are superb in low clear water. They catch salmon everywhere, especially Iceland.
These tapered 9ft copolymer leaders from Rio give you excellent turnover and abrasion resistance. We have them available in 5 sizes - 8, 10, 12, 16 & 20lbs. Perfect for salmon & steelhead fly-fishing.
The deadly Red Frances tied on a black razor sharp treble, we need say no more about this remarkable fly other than " get some in your box "
As we all know, the Allys shrimp is one of the most popular salmon flies ever invented. This one is famed for fishing best in the later part of the season and no flybox should be without one or two.