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Fishing Goodies/gifts

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Vision Wading Staff

Vision Wading Staff


The high quality Vision premium designed folding seven section wading staff is reliable and made of strong aluminium. It straightens out automatically when removed from its holder. It has a new ergonomically shaped handle, and double elastic strap. Weight can be added to tip. Total lengt…

Loon Outdoors Essential Tool Kit

Loon Outdoors Essential Tool Kit


A tool kit with everything you need and nothing you don't. Just the essentials, all in one kit. Details Rogue Forceps with comfy grip Rogue Nippers with comfy grip Rogue Zinger

RS May/June deadly dozen

RS May/June deadly dozen


Here we have a superb set of seasonal salmon flies which are perfect for late spring/early summer when the biggest and most aggressive salmon enter our rivers. We are fast approaching the most exciting and best part of the season for fresh run fish, and that means they are full of energy and happy…

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